Kevin Standlee (kevin_standlee) wrote,
Kevin Standlee

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Shows Scheduled

It looks like we have the panelists penciled in for two shows of Match Game SF at Westercon. Both will be in Club Regent (ground floor of Fairmont; it's the only function that won't be on the first floor). The "daytime" show will be Saturday afternoon at 4 PM 2:30 PM. The "Late Night" adults-only show will be Sunday night at 10 PM. Both shows are scheduled for approximately two hours 90 minutes, but the exact run time will depend on how long the games stretch. We've sometimes done as many as six games in that time, but sometimes as few as three if we have to go to multiple sudden death rounds. Also, even with re-using material from previous shows, we're really stretching to fill up to twelve games worth of material, so if you have suggestions for new questions, send them to me!

Lisa and I spend part of this evening working on adjusting the SFX to try and get the "buzz" and "bell" effects to be approximately the same volume. The buzzer has heretofore been much louder than the bell, and it's been difficult for Lisa, running the sound board, to keep things balanced.

gridlore and kshandra, I'm sorry that I can't directly use you as panelists, mainly because Programming says that I can have both of the Foglios for the daytime show. However, if you're willing, I'd like to have you available as standby panelists in case anyone on the panel has to be a late scratch. We've had a number of standbys and scratches in the past, and it's always good to be prepared. Heck, on the original show, there was an episode where Johnny Olson had to take seat 3 because Charles Nelson Reilly forgot about Daylight Savings Time and didn't show up in time for taping.

Update, Sunday 1700: I had the running time wrong originally. Also, the start time on Saturday may change.

Update, Sunday 1800: We moved from a 4 PM to a 2:30 PM start in order to better balance out events including the Guests of Honor. (The Foglios are scheduled to be part of a 5 PM event as well, and we were trying to avoid back-to-backing them.)
Tags: match game, westercon

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